Our audience for the horror genre was for younger male audience, they are more likely to see while promotion to a film online or bus shelter panels as posters.
As part of a promotional package, that the distributor has control of, the trailer and poster are part of the advertising scheme. This is to get the film known and so the audience know the film is soon to be released.
Other parts of the package are promotion and publicity, such as all the tie-in merchandising, for example, competitions where you can win to get freebies that promote the film like tshirts and bags.
Publicity is where the distributor tries to get the knowledge of the film into the press, they send packages with material, for magazine companies to make articles and reports on the film, this then causes word of mouth.
However, some films are not advertised in this way, the low budget films do not have the money to spend on this advertising of high quality trailers and posters and so they rely on word of mouth and viral campaigns on computers, this is known for the campaign for Paranormal Activity.
The poster for a film often contains the stars, theme/genre, billing block and a tagline to get the audiences interest.
In my poster, below, I have added one of the demons who is a star of the film, by placing the image in the corner it gives it a creepy feel and gives an idea of the horror genre. It could also give the illusion that the person is constantly watching you because I have made the eye brighter than the rest of the face, making it stand out.
I made a billing block which has all the stars, distributors and producers names, by using a tall thin font and changing the spacing on Photoshop, I was able to create the same style text as a billing block. Also, below this I created my own logos for distribution companies and I added the '18' Certificate that is normally given by the BBFC, where they feel that the content is not to be seen byu anyone under the age of 18 as it may contain drugs, sex, violence, strong language or something that could be of an criminal offence.
My tagline is placed under the title. The tagline is there to entice the audience into wanting to know more about the film, making them want to watch it. Using creative font for the title I was able to keep the the theme/horror genre style.

The importance of the release date is to get the best time for when the distributor thinks the audience will watch the film, such as kids films would be released in school holidays or films will be released with a theme in mind for the time of year such as halloween, for horror/scary films.
This is the poster for my trailer, I think it works as a promotional package, as I used the same font as the trailer. The only thing that I didn't like was the fact I could combine the necklace in some how. As you can see I have added my different posters where I have added the necklace and also added it as if blood is dripping from the necklace. I think having added the neclace and blood dripping it has over crowded the poster but with out the necklace it looks empty. so to increased the mystery of what was the film about I think my final poster is going to be with just the necklace in the corner.
This is my magazine front cover, using Flickr I have added annotations.
You have put "Poster" as a title in bold but don't have the same for the other products. A mistake? You do make some good points here but, as I have written on may other blogs, you really need more detail about how the poster and trailer WORK TOGETHER to reinfoce the central advertising components of your campaign, or how they may sometimes fail to do this. Things you could improve upon are worth exploring. You should put this into context too: you need to consider your mag cover as a product generated by the PUBLICITY component of a campaign, and how this might occur. You have to show that you understand THE ROLE OF THE DISTRIBUTOR and the three componesnts of a campaign – advertising, promotion and publicity. The FDA website, launchingfilms.tv is a useful resource.