This is a bar chart showing the different age range of people we asked, as you can see the from the chart, most of the people we asked were 17 - 18.

These two pie charts above show how many male and females like horror films, as you can see the boys prefer watching horror films more than girls, with the males having 21 and the female 8. Generally girls don't like watching horror films. I think it is worth knowing the genders so that we are able to see who we are aiming our teaser trailers at.

This pie charty shows the how and where people watch horror films. As you can see from our results most people watch them on DVD, with 52% saying they do. The least popular place where people watch horror film is on the internet, with only 8% dong so.

This bar chart shows how often both male and female watch horror films, you can see that the percentage is the same for rarely and often (which we classed as weekly), however the majority of people watch film occasionally with 18 people.

Here you can see a bar chart for the different horror genres and how many people like which genre, we gave them the chose of 5. But from our results you can see that Psychological Thriller was most popular with half of our participant saying that they enjoyed them. The least favourite from our questionnaire was Religion, with only 3 people saying that they enjoyed that genre.
So, from our results that we gained, we can see that our target audience is males as they prefer watching horrors and aged around 17.
The ideas that we could use in our own trailer from the result, show that majority of them like watching a Psychological thriller, however other ideas in which we could include in our trailer could involve Vampires and Grore.
We also asked in our questionnaire what people found interesting in trailers, some of the replies we got were:
'lots of gore',
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